sagicofim air filters

Sagicofim, air experts: We are committed to providing everyone with the opportunity to help improve air quality and quality of life whatever the setting, indoor or outdoor, thinking in the present to guarantee the future.
Our filter and filtration system manufacturing unit has a technologically advanced testing circuit, annexed to the production line, for testing every high and very high efficiency HEPA and ULPA filter in accordance with EN 1822 standards, to further guarantee the quality of every product that leaves the factory.
Sagicofim operates under a stringent quality assurance policy and its own company management system was certified as compliant with ISO norm 9001:2000 in 2003.
Sagicofim’s Quality System is periodically verified by RINA, an accredited third-party certifying body and member of European network IQNet. The quality standards at its operating units that design and manufacture air filters and filtration systems and aeraulic components for air-conditioning systems are all certified as ISO 9001:2015 compliant.